Since he's forged much of his reputation on playing characters whose moody disposition is only outweighed by their tough-as-teak exterior, it would be a delight to report that Tommy Lee Jones' foray into comedy with Man of the House is a resounding success. Unfortunately, as the film attempts to put Jones' stern presence to comedic effect, it proceeds to rehash every Odd Couple trick, without so much as a nod towards audience safety.
For what it's worth Lee Jones plays a gruff Texas Ranger (there's a surprise) called Roland Sharp. A chap who lives up to his surname, Sharp's the sort of lawman who makes Dirty Harry look like a long-haired left wing liberal named Pinko, and he's out for vengeance when his partner winds up dead after a drugs bust goes wrong. Sharp's superiors reckon that the only witnesses to the crime could be next on the gangster's hitlist, so our boy is assigned to protect them. The catch? Why, they're cheerleaders for a Texas football team. Hilarious. Not.
Although you certainly can't argue with Jones's logic for making a film where he undoubtedly picked up a large pay cheque while working in such close proximity to world-class babes, the reality for the audience isn't quite so pleasurable. Half-baked both in its theory and execution, Man of the House sees no end of potential in recycling gags about generational differences and ahem, tampons. The idea may have seemed great, but the spark of inspiration required is sorely lacking.