Convoluted but charming, Dear Frankie tells the story of Lizzie (Emily Mortimer) and her 9-year-old deaf son Frankie (Jack McElhone). For reasons that won't be revealed here, Lizzie has lied to her son about his father, telling the boy that he's a sailor, working on a ship which also seems to be on the other side of the world. Since the youngster spends much of his time writing searching, soulful letters to his father, he's understandably delighted when the boat in question comes to dock in Glasgow. Forced into a corner, Lizzie can't bear the thought of revealing her deception to young Frankie, so she hires a stranger (Gerard Butler) to pose as his father.
One of those heartfelt, emotional films that could have easily descended into nonsense, Dear Frankie is given a soulful edge by first-time director Shona Auerbach. While the central tenant may require a certain suspension of belief, Auerbach maintains a firm grip on the characters, ensuring that they show a measure of depth and complexity. As you might expect, there's an emotional crescendo that threatens to undo much of the good work, but Dear Frankie displays just enough restraint to make it work.