Girl Rising is a critically acclaimed film which follows the life stories of nine extraordinary girls who struggle every day for freedom, education and a voice. 

It is not a documentary, nor fiction – it is powerful storytelling, and thanks to World Vision the film is being screened in Ireland, with tickets already available. We'd recommend getting some now, as they wont be around for long.

The parts are not played by actresses; the girls appear as themselves while their stories are narrated by award winning actors, including Oscar winners Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway and Cate Blanchett.

The girls featured have an awe inspiring inner strength. The obstacles they face are numerous; poverty, early marriage, bonded labour, abuse. But they believe that they deserve better, despite the fact that everything and everyone around them tell them the opposite.

By blending traditional documentary with scripted narration and dramatic interpretation Academy Award-nominated Director, Richard Robbins, creates a mesmerising film. The stories are heartbreaking, but inspirational and are beautifully told.

World Vision supports two of the girls from the film, Ethiopian Azmera who has been told she must marry early, and Ruskana who fights for an education while living on the dangerous streets of Kokata, India. The overseas aid organisation strives to stop the tradition of early marriage and help girls like Azmera and Ruskana pursue their education and decide their own futures.

Girl Rising events, will be taking place over the next two months in Galway, Cork, and Naas. The events will help raise awareness of the importance of investing in the lives of girls around the world. To win tickets to one of the events simply enter over here.

For more information on the film, the organisation, or the events, visit