This week on The Movie Show, ahead of the much anticipated release of Skyfall, it's a James Bond special. We'll be taking a look at the 23rd installment in the franchise with Sean Munsanje from The Juice on FM104. Then in an homage to all the great Bond flicks, Brian and Dara from the Zoo Crew on Spin 1038 will be on hand to run through their top three favourite Bond movies of all time. No surprises for guessing Pussy Galore gets a mention. And if that wasn't enough, we've got the best competition yet. No really, it's the BEST competition yet. An iPad 3!!! Do not miss out, watch it now and be in with the chance to win!

We'll be taking a quick break next week but then we'll back to review the amazing Argo featuring our exclusive interview and red carpet coverage with the awesome Bryan Cranston.

Enjoy Skyfall and Happy Halloween!