A new trailer has been released for the military drama Zero Dark Thirty online. Zero Dark Thirty directed by Oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow follows the the decade long search for Osama Bin Laden who topped America's most wanted list for years and culminates in his death under the Seal Team six operation. The film was already in motion when Bin Laden was killed in 2011 meaning writer Mark Boal(Hurt Locker) had to rewrite the film.

This is the second trailer that has been released and shows more of how the story is going to play out. Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt and Kyle Chandler have been enlisted for the movie. Speaking about the film Chastain revealed that the cast felt a huge pressure when shooting the movie 'I think with any movie when you're telling a story like we're telling, there's an insane amount of pressure, because you want to honour the people that really were there, and you want to honour history.'

Zero Dark Thirty will be released on 25th January 2013.