Our first thought is that we really need to put a camera on the bonnet of our car.

We all know that they do a lot of driving in movies, and while some of it is more realistic looking than others (we all remember the days of just wildly turning the wheel left to right) it's something that always looks pretty damn cool.

It's also something that is somewhat standardised in the movie world: the images we all remember are of two people in a car, shot from the bonnet, because it's pleasing to the eye. Need further evidence? Then just examine this supercut of driving duos from the movies, and you'll be convinced. 

Cinematic Driving Duos Redux from Roman Holiday on Vimeo.


If you want to know what each of the 37 movies featured is, then check out Roman Holiday on Vimeo, who put the video together and has listed every scene and the time it appears on screen. 

Via Shortlist