It's happened again; I've yelped and scared the sh*t out of half of the office while having the sh*t simultaneously scared out of myself, whilst watching this 1 minute scary-ass movie.

And 1 minute is about all I can handle. This is Jason Eisener's One Last Dive, as part of a series of one minute films collectively known as the 3.07 AM Project, otherwise known as the devil's hour (the most haunted time of day, YIKES).

The collection was commisioned by forthcoming horror The Conjuring along with Vice and though it's only 60 seconds long, that's really all you need to get your adrenaline pumping.

So if you're feeling a little lethargic today, watch this and you need never have drank that Espresso. To watch the rest of the the project watch the YouTube link below. I personally have to avoid, and then consult a doctor over my irrational wimpiness and fear of watching people be dragged off a bed by, well, nothing. GAH!