The Princess Diaries and its follow-up, The Princess Diaries 2: A Royal Engagement, were both hugely successful box-office achievements.

Why a third one was never made, we'll never know exactly. However, it's something that's been talked about for many years and now it seems, we're a step closer to it becoming a reality.

In a recent interview with Larry King, veteran director Garry Marshall let slip that The Princess Diaries 3 is in development. "Well, they talk about it. Disney always likes to announce things, so they tell (me), ‘Shut up, we’ll announce it.’ No, I work for Disney, I love working for them. This is the modern world, Larry. (Anne Hathaway) came to my office, she was quite pregnant - now she’s had the kid, but she comes in pregnant - she puts her computer on the table, pushes three buttons, it’s Julie Andrews on Skype in Long Island. And we have a meeting. This is how we work. So I hope they do it."

As we reported a while ago, Marshall's been open about the fact that it's happening. However, considering Hathaway's just only recently had her child, it'll be some time before anything happens. As to whether or not Chris Pine is returning is anyone's guess. Anne Hathaway, of course, has a lot of emotional connection to the film as it was her first leading role in a film.


Via Larry King / Ora