With the release of The Hobbit in cinemas today (December 13th) we're off on a little movie show adventure to Middle Earth, taking a look at part 1 of the highly anticipated trilogy. Brian Lloyd of Spin 1038 joins me to give me his verdict on Peter Jackson's latest efforts, whether Martin Freeman was the best choice for Bilbo and if the controversial 48 frames per second filming was a good idea. Also on the show this week we catch up with the legendary Tom Cruise on the red carpet for Jack Reacher, as well as the awesome Bobby Duvall who stole our hearts as Tom Hagen in The Godfather. As always with the movie show, we like giving away free stuff. Watch 'til the end and you just might get your mits on said free stuff. Lord of The Rings fans will be particularly pleased.
And, if all that wasn't enough for you, I'm straight off the plane from London after having caught up with Peter Jackson himself, Martin Freeman, Cate Blanchett, Andy Serkis, Richard Armitage, James Nesbitt and (the very gorgeous) Aiden Turner. You can check out those interviews on entertainment.ie throughout the remainder of the week.
'Til next week when we get our Chrimbo jumpers out for the Movie Show Christmas Special!