After a looooong January (thank GAWD that's over), we're back with a bang on the movie show. With thanks to Jameson, this week we're taking a look at the latest movie from Denzel Washington; Flight. He's been making movies for thirty years now and there's still scarce an actor who can compete with his ability to put bums on seats. So good is his performance in this movie, he's even earned himself an Oscar nomination. But what of the first live action movie from director Robert Zemeckis in almost a decade? Does it deliver the goods? Joining me to share his verdict is movie show regular and contributor of Spin 1038, Brian Lloyd.
Also on The Jameson Movie Show Special this week, I catch up with Denzel himself in London to talk about how life changed upon winning that first Oscar back in 1989. Watch 'til the end and you just might win yourself a few Denzel themed DVDs to add to your collection.
Flight hits cinemas this Friday February 1st. Don't miss it!
'Til next week!