Marvel's Avengers Assemble has achieved the extremely rare feat of passing the $600 million mark at the domestic US box-office.

The only two movies currently ahead of it are Avatar with $760.5 million and Titanic with $658.6 million - the latter not adjusted for inflation. The worldwide gross clocks in at a stunning $1.4 billion and counting. This is a huge success for a meticulous plan that Marvel set in motion a long time ago when they had Samuel L. Jackson pop up at the end of the first Iron Man. Two other Marvel productions, Thor and Captain America, were essentially set-ups for Avengers and both proved their worth and actually work better after viewing of the now third highest grossing movie of all time.

Next up for Marvel is sequels to all of the above; with Iron Man 3 already in production under the acerbic eye of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang writer/director, Shane Black.