I'm shocked it took this long. The filmmakers behind the brilliant comedy Ted are in trouble for a scene in the movie where Mark Wahlberg's character says to Joel McHale's "From one man to another, I hope you get Lou Gehrig's disease!" Said line garnered this response from The ALS Therapy Alliance

"We want to make it clear that ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, is not a laughing matter for people and families suffering from this life-threatening illness. The punch line in the movie Ted comes at the expense of people afflicted with ALS," Spokeswoman Traci Bisson continued "We just want to stop this alarming trend before it becomes too widespread. We work every day with a dedicated community of supporters to raise awareness and funds, aiming to wipe out ALS." She added finally, "We hope the filmmakers move beyond the unfortunate way Lou Gehrig's disease is used in the film and join us in finding a positive way to raise awareness and research funding to help find a cure."

It is generally quite an offensive comedy, so I'm it won't be the only complaint Seth McFarlane finds his movie attached to.