It's been a while since we've brought you a Star Wars Episode 7 update. This one's pretty exciting though. Michael Fassbender? Mmm, yes please. And Adam Driver of Girls fame? Well he's been impressing us quite a bit of late and yes, we're keen.
They'd both look pretty damn slick with a lightsaber in hand *insert joke here about Fassbender's own personal lightsaber*, if they were to both be cast in Jedi roles. The Hollywood Reporter say that Fassbender met with JJ Abrams back in December. What's more, Multiple sources suggests that the folk at Disney are also now looking at Hugo Weaving for the role of an Imperial Commander. We're more used to hearing him say 'Mr Anderson' as Agent Smith or stroking his long elfish hair as Elrond, but Hugo would definitely look the part here. We hope he's an evil Imperial Commander more so than a sound one; he's got the evil, creepy bastard thing down pat.
Recently, the Latino Review tweeted that the whole Adam Driver thing was horse manure, HOWEVER, folk over at The Wrap then squashed Latino's naysaying by suggesting that no, Driver is indeed still in the running. But who can we trust?
So with Fassbender and Saoirse Ronan both rumoured to be eyeing up roles, and all that previous chatter about filming in Ireland, and the fact that they cam here for some casting, looks like Star Wars Episode VII will have a pretty strong Irish contingent.