Who do we love more than Jennifer Lawrence? Well there could only be one person; the absolute gentleman and man we wish was our Grandad, Sir Michael Caine. Isn't he just the greatest? Wouldn't you like to chow down on some Werther's Originals with him? Imagine the stories he'd tell you.
Well it seems Jack Nicholson isn't Jennifer Lawrence's only high-profile loyal fan; Sir Michael Caine wants in on the action too. Whatever the movie, whatever the genre, the story, whatEVER - we're in.
In conversation with Parade, the Now You See Me actor said he's such a fan, he voted for her in the Academy Awards.
"I think she's wonderful. I voted for her for the Oscar... I'd love to play her grandfather or something!"
And on the subject of winning another Oscar, he said: "I'll have another go and then retire when I'm 90."
Next up for Sir Michael Caine is Now You See Me, check out the trailer here.