So Seth MacFarlane won't host the Oscars for a second time. Jumping the gun a bit there, Seth? What if it goes so swimmingly well that you'll have knocked Billy Crystal off his 'old reliable' perch?

The 'Family Guy' creator has been working so hard to get things in line for Sunday's show but he reckons he just couldn't hack that level of commitment, two years in a row.

Speakng to Entertainment Weekly, he said: 'It's the time commitment, I just don't think I could do it again. It will have been almost six months that I'm working on this. And I'm still going to get savaged in the press.'

So who'll pick up the torch where he's left off? Seth has two more-than-capable ladies in mind; Golden Globes hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.

He said: 'Tina and Amy will do it next year and they'll get rave reviews. But I just don't know that I could do it again. I just can't take that kind of time out of my schedule... I have very little free time.'

So why get involved in the first place then? Surely you'd be aware how much of your precious time it'd take? 'You know if something sounds interesting and challenging and it sounds like something I could [mess] up and do badly, I'm generally interested in making the attempt. They called me and I was like 'Well this is something I could mess up pretty badly.'

Fair enoughskis!