What's that? A movie starring two of the greatest comedy legends Hollywood has ever seen? Billy Crystal who stole my heart in When Harry Met Sally and Bette Midler who earned her stripes in Hocus Pocus? Hell yeah! It's about time this two paired up. The Hollywood stalwarts star here in Parental Guidance as a married couple called in by their daughter (Marisa Tomei) to help care for their three young grandkids. However, given that it's been quite a few decades since they've had to look after any tots, they're more than a bit out of practice, their methods now old fashioned. All kinds of chaos ensues when their old school ways come head to head with their daughter's strict new school rules and the kids' 21st century way of life - "we don't tell them 'no', we say 'maybe you should try this'" etc. To get things under control Artie and Diane are left with little choice but to experiment with some unexpected tactics, including a new parenting style for themselves.
Sure to be jam packed with laugh out loud moments - including one in which Crystal gets a baseball bat square in his nads - Parental Guidance is set to be quite the Christmas cracker. You can catch it in Irish cinemas on St Stephen's Day.