When it comes to whip users in popular culture, there's really only two you can think of off the top of your head.
One is Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford in 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' et al. The other is Catwoman and Michelle Pfeiffer in 'Batman Returns'. As it turns out, Michelle Pfeiffer actually kept hers and, in two posts from her Instagram, proves that she's still definitely got it. It being the ability to use said Catwoman whip without slicing her face open.
Although she didn't have the skin-tight vinyl suit to go along with it, Michelle Pfeiffer was still able to work the whip and was even able to get that snap noise that they make pretty easily with just a few flicks of her wrist. Her training obviously worked, but it wasn't always so.
In a retrospective with THR, Pfeiffer recalled how she cut open her whip master's face on the first day of training. "I trained for months with the whip master. On our first day together, I caught his face with the whip and it drew blood. It completely shattered me," she said. Pfeiffer would eventually go on to perform all of the whip stunts herself.
Given the amount of training she had, it clearly stuck because she's still able to whip (heh) it all out nearly 30 years after the fact.