No sooner is Christian Bale out the door than Danny Boyle has a possible replacement lined up - Michael Fassbender.

Our own Bender of Fasses has been approached and is in early talks to play the role of Steve Jobs.

Christian Bale had previously confirmed his role as Jobs, but pulled out just yesterday after he felt that he wasn't up to the job. Heh. (tumbleweed)

Leonardo DiCaprio was also in the mix, but pulled out because he's taking a break from acting. Good for him.

To say the whole Jobs biopic project has had a bumpy road is an understatement.

David Fincher was previously slated to direct film, but he bailed out (NOTHING? JESUS) due to budget constraints and problems with his own fee.

Initial thoughts on Fassbender as Jobs? Look, at this stage, we'd be happy just to see the film. Not only that, this many personnel changes is giving us the heebie-jeebies. You sort of get the feeling that if everyone was really enthused about the whole thing, they'd have stuck out whatever issues they had and made it work.

Instead, people are leaving left, right and centre and the film's release date looks more and more distant with each of these stories.

