Melissa McCarthy is currently starring in the live action remake of 'The Little Mermaid', but not every role has been so pleasurable in the past.

The actress has revealed details of a 'toxic' set that she worked on in the past, which left her ill and with the desire to speak out about difficult working conditions for actors.

Indeed, her 'Little Mermaid' co-star Halle Bailey recently praised the 'Bridesmaids' actress for encouraging her to speak up when she's not happy on set.

In an interview with The Observer, McCarthy said: "I did work for someone once who ran such a volatile, hostile set that it made me physically ill. My eyes were swelling up, I was absorbing all of this nuttiness."

She added: "There were people weeping, visibly so upset by this one person. And I think that’s why the manipulation worked, because to get to me this person would fire people I loved, which kept me quiet. It was very effective. Then one day, I was like, ‘It stops today!’ I just kept saying to them, it stops, it stops. And I know now I’ll never keep quiet again."

Although she didn't name the individual in question, fans have been speculating on social media - while others have criticised her for not 'naming and shaming' the person responsible, with one protesting "Yet she doesn’t out the bully - pffff - way to stand up" and another writing "If she's not going to tell us who, what's the point?"

'The Little Mermaid', meanwhile, opens in cinemas this weekend.