Kevin Hart has made a name for himself making crowd-pleasing comedies with the likes of Ride Along and, most recently, the not-so-warmly-received remake of Jumanji from fans of the original.
Considering that Jumanji has done reasonably well (critically) in the US, it's no surprise that Kevin Hart seems happy to continue to stay "on the Robin Williams train," in his own words. In an interview with CinemaBlend, Hart said that he'd like to take on Mrs. Doubtfire, calling it "a very amazing performance on both ends for him."
Mrs. Doubtfire was nothing short of a mega-hit for Robin Williams, grossing a total of $441 million against a production budget of $25 million. It also firmly cemented Williams as one of the most recognisable comedy actors in the world, and won him a Golden Globe for his performance.
So, yeah, no surprise that Kevin Hart wants to try give it a go. Given that Jumanji already got a sequel-of-sorts, don't be in the least bit surprised if they try to make this a reality.
Via CinemaBlend