He's a doctor, not a physicist, but while Karl Urban has been busy blasting off Into Darkness with the crew of the Starship enterprise, thoughts of a Dredd sequel haven't been far from his mind. In fact, the star of Dredd has been thinking about a possible sequel for the film, and ever sat down for a bit of breakfast with writer Alex Garland the other morning. "It's not off the agenda" he told Collider.
"Clearly everyone has woken up to the fact that an audience has found this movie and loves it. It's entirely possible, and if people want to see another instalment then they should be vocal about that, because it can happen" Urban explained."The power of fandom can resurrect projects. In fact, that's what happened with Star Trek. They weren't going to do a third season until fans did a letter-writing campaign and they continued that series."
Of course Dredd ain't Star Trek, so we're not entirely sure it'll be that easy to pull the fandom together, but if Veronica Mars could do it, we're sure the film stands a fighting chance. Now all they have to do is get back all those props they auctioned off after Dredd's abysmal box office performance...