We can’t help but feel a surge of nostalgia and joy as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of ‘Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.’ It’s not just a movie; it’s a cultural phenomenon that has shaped comedy for two decades. And who better to walk us down memory lane than the comedic genius himself, Will Ferrell?

In a recent interview with People, Ferrell shared his thoughts on the film’s legacy, “It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Ron Burgundy and his news team first assembled. ‘Anchorman’ was a labour of love, and we never anticipated it would become a touchstone of comedy.”

Ferrell reminisced about the creative freedom they enjoyed while filming, which allowed for the improvisational magic that audiences fell in love with. “We were just a bunch of friends trying to make each other laugh,” he said. The result was a treasure trove of quotable lines and unforgettable moments that have stood the test of time.

The actor also acknowledged the film’s impact on his career, noting that Ron Burgundy became an iconic character that people still reference today. “I’ll be walking down the street, and someone will shout, ‘Stay classy!’ It’s a testament to the character’s staying power,” Ferrell mused.

Ferrell’s reflections on ‘Anchorman’ are a reminder of the joy and camaraderie that the film represents. As he put it, “The spirit of ‘Anchorman’ is all about embracing the ridiculous and finding the funny in the mundane.” And that’s precisely what has made it endure as a beloved classic.

So here’s to 20 years of Ron Burgundy, jazz flute solos, and the kind of laughter that only Will Ferrell can deliver. May we continue to quote and relive the antics of the Channel 4 news team for many years to come. After all, in the words of Ron Burgundy himself, “I’m kind of a big deal.” And so is ‘Anchorman.’