It's been a good week for Ghostbusters' fans. Yesterday we got an image of the new Ghostbusters in action and now today we have some shiny new posters. 

They've released these badass character posters for the Ghostbusters reboot and also some character descriptions for each of them. 

So let's meet the new lineup:

Kristen Wiig plays Erin Gilbert, a particle physicist, academic firebrand, spectral warrior.


Kate McKinnon plays Jillian Holtzmann, a nuclear engineer, munitions expert, and proton wrangler.


Leslie Jones is Patty Tolan, a ghost tracker, municipal historian, and metaphysical commando.


Melissa McCarthy is Abby Yates, a paranormal researcher, supernatural scientist, and entity trapper.


The film also stars Chris Hemsworth, Andy Garcia, Michael Kenneth Williams, Matt Walsh, and Cecily Strong, The film will be released in July 2016.

Via Collider