So you may or may not know that Ben Stiller's got a movie coming out at the end of the year, and it's not your usual Ben Stiller gag-on-the-minute-every-minute fare; it's quite meaty. What's more, he's at the helm as director here too.

Based on a short story from 1939 (which was later adapted to the big screen in 1947), The Secret Life of Walter Mitty centres around a rather timid photographer for Life Magazine (played by Stiller) who has developed a habit of living vicariously through his daydreams. However, when an important photo negative goes missing, Walter goes on a journey of self discovery. Among other personal discoveries, while searching for the missing negative, he realises how his daydreaming tendencies have hampered his progress with the object of his affection, played by Kristen Wiig.

If that isn't enough to pique your interest, this movie also boasts a stellar supporting cast, in the form of Wiig, Shirley MacLaine, Adam Scott, Patton Oswalt and the peerless Sean Penn.