Although he features heavily in the trailer that was released this morning, director J.A. Bayona has confirmed that Dr. Ian Malcolm AKA Jeff Goldblum will merely be cameoing in the film.

According to an interview Bayona did the with The Independent, Goldblum's character "doesn’t have a major role in the action but it’s definitely a very meaningful one in terms of the story."

"He’s always somehow been the voice of the conscience in these movies, telling us where the red lines are. He plays that role in this film. For Colin (Trevorrow, screenwriter) and I, it was about finding connections with the old trilogy - that makes it very rich as we are expanding Jurassic World but also finding new connections with Jurassic Park."

Goldblum has returned to previous roles in the past, most notably Independence Day: Resurgence - WHICH WAS GOOD AND WE WILL FIGHT ANYONE BARE-HANDED WHO SAYS OTHERWISE - however, it seems that his appearance in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is much smaller than initially anticipated.

What a shame.


Via The Independent