This is a message for those of you who one day dream of having a body like Dwayne The Rock Johnson's. Though we thought he was an alien, sent down from some protein obessed planet where all their population do is pump iron and snack on creatine, he is in fact just a human being. And though it seems unfathomable, he didn't always look like The Rock, he was once a kid.

Here he is at age 4, looking like a cross between Bruno Mars and Javier Bardem. Check out those threads! Dude's got style, we'll give him that.

Dwayne Johnson ‏@TheRock: 4 yrs old & gettin' my mack on. And my Javier Bardem haircut. #NoCountryForOldMen #Gangsta #TBT

The Rock's Twitter feed is always an interesting one, you should give him the oul follow if you're an avid user like us at

Also via The Rock's Twitter, we're getting sneak peaks at how he's shaping up ahead of Hercules. He also tweeted this pic, taken mid training session. Sure puts you off that glazed doughnut that's 2 inches from your mouth right now, amirite?

Dwayne Johnson ‏@TheRock: I'm in the mood for love (and by love I mean pancakes & lips) AM training. On set workout trailer. #HERCULES