After the tragedy that was Brad Pitt's Chanel ad, something which after countless piss-takes I think even Brad himself will now regret, we're sensing he's a little nervous about what this might do to his career. Can one bad move affect the trajectory of you career despite having already made it as one of the biggest movie stars on the planet? Well let's hope not. We like Brad and though we might not be the biggest fan of his post Jennifer Aniston grooming technique (just shave for chrissakes), there's no denying he's one of the most watchable thespians on the go.

His next movie will hopefully knock the Chanel talk out of our mouths, what with the whole zombie apocalypse thing going on. Here's Brad in the new poster for World War Z, out on June 21st. Looks epic, doesn't it?

In other Brad Pitt news, it seems he'll go from World War Z to World War 2 in David Ayer's (Training Day) next project, Fury. Nothing has been set in stone yet but he's knee deep in final negotiations so we reckon it's a goer. Should he sign on the dotted line, he'll star as one part of a five man US tank crew in the very last days of the second world war. However despite already having appeared in World War 2 territory with Inglourious Basterds, this seems like an entirely different beast.

As per Deadline who've brought us this news: "The action takes place in 1945 as the Nazi regime collapses and the five-man crew of an American tank called Fury battles a desperate German army."

Sounds good to us!