January isn't all bad y'know. It means we're into a new year, which means we've got a shed load more movies to look forward to. One that's particualrly piqued our interest, is Baz Luhrmann's take on F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Where Luhrmann's concerned, you can always expect a great deal of grandeur and plushness, and if these posters are anything to go by, there's been no expense spared here. Pretty flashy, right?

While we won't get to feast on this until the summer of 2013, Warner Brothers have already begun their marketing, staggering the release of these individual character posters. Here's a few to tide you over until we catch a glimpse of Gatsby himself - played by the peerless Leonardo DiCaprio - and Carey Mulligan donned in their Sunday best.

From top to bottom: Isla Fisher, Joel Edgerton and Tobey Maguire. Click here to watch my interview with Isla Fisher where she discusses working with her dream director, Baz Luhrmann.