Earlier in the year, Jennifer Lawrence dropped quite the nugget during an interview with Time Magazine. She told the interviewer (before texting Amy to see if it was OK) that herself and Schumer were writing a film in which they play sisters: "We’re almost done writing. It just flowed out of us. We’ve got about 100 pages right now."
Now Amy herself has come across with more details to Access Hollywood: "We just finished a new draft And we're excited about it. It's funny, it's dirty, it's real... it's like us." OK, so we actually got more information out of Lawrence's quote, but maybe her next interview with E! News will have more insight: "Jennifer is a great writer. She doesn't play by the rules. She can be out there in a really cool way where you thought that you understood a scene and then she'll just kind of turn it. She's great."
OK, so it's "dirty" and "great" - that's enough for us! Back to Jennifer's quotes regarding the movie: "Amy and I were creatively made for each other. We have different flavours. It’s been the most fun experience of my life. We start the day off on the phone, laughing. And then we send each other pages. And we crack up... I emailed her after I saw Trainwreck. [I wrote], 'I don’t know where to get started. I guess I should just say it: I'm in love with you."
According to Vanity Fair, Schumer's sister, Kim Caramele, is also helping to write the movie.