Without a shadow of a doubt, Batman: Arkham City was one of the best games for the previous generation of consoles.
As well as this, it was probably the best game based on a comic-book character. It had everything going for it. There was the incredible voice-acting by Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill and a brilliantly realised story by Paul Dini, who worked on the '90s Animated Series together with Hamill and Conroy. Sure, Arkham Asylum had its moments and was an introduction to the themes and concept, by Arkham City capitalised on all of these and pushed it forward to the next level.
There was also the ease of use with controls, the ability to build up an arsenal of gadgets and, more than anything, it made you feel like Batman. You stalked your enemies with care and precision, picking them off neatly and quietly, or you could dive right into the middle of them and taking them head-on. It was amazing.
And it's coming back.
News broke late last night that a HD collection is due to be released for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 that'll see Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, together with all their DLC, bundled into one package.
Batman: Return To Arkham doesn't have an official release date and, so far, there's been no official confirmation on any of this. However, a PEGI rating has been issued for Arkham Asylum and a screenshot from inside GameStop has it that the entire collection will be available from June 10th.
Official confirmation and some sort of trailer should be forthcoming pretty soon and we'll update accordingly. In the meantime, get the hype going with this brilliant trailer for Arkham City.
Via Eurogamer.net