The Sam Maguire Festival is a celebration of the life & ethos of Sam Maguire - the man. Sam Maguire was born in Mallabracka just outside Dunmanway Town and educated in Dunmanway and so is synonymous with the town. He gave his name to the most coveted trophy in Irish sport; thus his name has become the most widely known of all the Gaelic personalities in Irish sport.
With the various community and cultural groups in the town, such as The Community Council, Doheny GAA Club, Comhaltas, Johnstown Vintage Club and Heritage Groups, taking part in this festival it will foster the sense of community and appreciation for the heritage and culture of Dunmanway. Returning emigrants and the Dunmanway diaspora are particularly welcomed as part of Gathering Ireland to participate in the preservation of local and national culture and traditions associated with Sam Maguire.