Back by popular demand two of Ireland's favorite actors, Glenroe's finest Mick Lally (Miley Byrne) and Mary McEvoy (Biddy Byrne) take to to the Tivoli stage in John B Keane's The Matchmaker. This John B Keane play is a classic of the modern Irish theatre and the present production has proved one of the most substantial hits in recent years. The production has played all over Ireland, selling out off - Broadway and at the Edinburgh Festival. At the centre of the production is author John B Keane's marvellous and mischievous wit coupled by his unparalleled way with words, with an introduction on tape by John B Keane himself. Set in the rural west of Ireland of the 1950s, the play follows the efforts of Kerry Man Dicky Mick Dicky O'Connor as he corresponds with a variety of lonely rural males and females eager to find a mate. Creating more than twenty characters between them, Lally and McEvoy offer virtuoso playing in an evening which blends high comedy and pathos and which can genuinely be considered a tour-de-force.