Renowned for his cutting edge comedy and intrepid social commentary, double Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee (2007 & 2011) and star of Sky’s JOHN BISHOP’S ONLY JOKING and BBC’s LIVE AT THE APOLLO, host of the BBC3 EDINBURGH COMEDY MARATHON & series regular on Sky’s WALL OF FAME, Andrew Maxwell is always a must-see for any comedy fan.

Always adept at making shrewd, balanced and very funny political observations, Maxwell was one of the first comics at the 2011 Edinburgh Festival to react to the riots in England and the Arab Spring and evolve his act accordingly to rave reviews and a nomination. He has just finished performing his exciting new 2012 Edinburgh show THAT’S THE SPIRIT at the Assembly Rooms George Square to sell out audiences. He followed this with a run at London’s Soho Theatre. He also performed at the Montreal Just For Laughs Comedy Festival (incl. a performance at the televised American Dream gala) just before he headed to Edinburgh in the summer.