To say the reaction to Ben Affleck's casting as Batman was mixed is an understatement. It's almost turned the comic-book world into a civil war, with a clear line being drawn between those who think it's good and those who think it's pants. See what we did there?


George Clooney was recently asked about Affleck's casting. "I am the least qualified person to comment on anyone playing the role of Batman since I so terribly destroyed the part." Ah now, George. Don't beat yourself about it. Clooney went on to say that Affleck was "a smart man" and that he knew what he was doing. Clooney was in the unintentionally hilarious 'Batman & Robin' film. Remember that one? Arnold Schwarzenegger was Mr. Freeze and he kept making ice puns. That one. 

How do we feel about Ben Affleck being cast as The Dark Knight? Conflicted, we guess. On the one hand, it's awesome that we're finally getting to see Batman and Supes square off with a huge budget behind them. On the other hand, we would have loved to see Christian Bale in the role because we felt he made it his own. That being said, the role does need to be reinvigorated and rejuvenated so Affleck could do something totally different with it.

Need a reminder of what Batman & Robin was like? Check this out and prepare to cringe.