Kids these days, they just ain't got no respect. 

You'd think starring in Jurassic Park, one of the most successful and much loved blockbusters of all time would make you well known amongst your peers. Sadly that wasn't the case for Sam Neill when his 13 year old Hunt for the Wilderpeople co-star, Julian Dennison won the lead role in the film. 

Dennison admitted that he didn't know who Sam Neill was and had to look him up on Wikipedia. 

Whatever about not knowing who Sam Neill was, it was Dennison's assessment of Jurassic Park, Neill's most iconic piece of work that really must have stung. 

"I've seen about half of it and fell asleep, um..."

Don't take it too personally Sam. We are told in the Hunt for the Wilderpeople trailer that he's a bit of a bad egg. 

You can watch the full interview on BBC's The One Show below and there are some other good moments such as Dennison advising Neill not to get too carried away when Neill passionately describes how much he liked Ron Howard's new Beatles documentary Eight Days a Week.

Via Digital Spy