Although it's not the actual hotel used in The Shining - that's the Timberline Lodge in Oregon - the Stanley Hotel in Colorado has a special place in horror history.

Stephen King was inspired to write The Shining after spending a night in The Stanley and also served as the shooting location for the more accurate / less better TV remake of The Shining.

The plans are to turn The Stanley Hotel into a horror movie museum, complete with its own film studio, a film archive and lots more besides. There's also plans for an auditorium, a sound stage, museum and editing space.

Both Simon Pegg and Elijah Wood are on the museum's founding board and, if it makes it through the funding process from the State of Colorado, could be opening reasonably soon.

As well as acting as an inspiration for Stephen King, the hotel was also used in comedy classic Dumb And Dumber - although it's doubtful there'll be a museum to honour Jim Carrey's greatest film of the '90s.

