As we've heard, there's a good few Star Wars spin-off movies in the works, as well as the rest of the new trilogy.

In an announcement today, Disney gave a date for the next installment of the franchise (that's Episode VIII) which will be released on May 2016, 2017, so mark that one down in your diaries now. Episode VII, the first of the new trilogy, will be released on December 18th of this year. 

In even more Star Wars news, they also added that Gareth Edwards, who previously directed Godzilla and indie sleeper hit Monsters, has been working away with screenwriters Gary Whitta and Chris Weitz on the first spin-off movie.

And now, we have a title....

Star Wars: Rogue One.

For you non-Star Wars nerds, here's why the term Rogue One is so significant. Rogue Squadron was the name of Luke Skywalker's group of crack pilots who were handpicked for some of the most dangerous missions throughout the films.

The Snowspeeders in The Empire Strikes Back? That was Rogue Squadron.

The remit of the spin-off movies has been to mine and explore characters surrounding the Star Wars universe, i.e. anyone outside of the central cast.

What's more, Academy Award-nominee Felicity Jones has been cast in as yet-unknown role in the film.

We're guessing Rogue One will be more about the starfighter battles and less about Jedi Knights and so on, which is pretty cool.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
