How does love and marriage fare in a galaxy far far away? That's a question Carrie Fisher wants to answer in the next installment of Star Wars.

Appearing on American talk show The View, the former Princess Leia offered her own amusing storyline for the as yet unscripted sequel. "I like to think of it as 'old Leia', like, sway-backed old Leia the horse. I like the idea of being Mrs Solo, and we've just fought and fought and I killed him, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry, that's right, I feel badly and I probably had an affair with some general." We're not sure what Harrison Ford would think of that one now.

The actress previously hinted that she wants to make a comeback in Star Wars: Episode VII, scheduled for release some time in 2015, and she was only too happy to tell the ladies all about her relationship with the rebellious princess. "[Leia] has never been gone. As far I know, she has been with me forever!"

Wonder if she still has that gold bikini?