The unbridled success that is Deadpool owes a lot in part to Ryan Reynolds' commitment to the project.

As well as forking out money to get Bea Arthur's likeness in the film, Reynolds also coughed up to keep the screenwriters, Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick, on the set during filming. More often than not, screenwriters aren't usually brought onto the set because, well, it's expensive to have writers on retainer.

Yet, for Reynolds, he felt it was important. In a recent interview with AMC's Geeking Out, writers Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick explained what happened. "We were on set every day. Interestingly, Ryan wanted us there. We were on the project for six years. It was really a core creative team of us, Ryan, and the director Tim Miller. Fox, interestingly, wouldn’t pay for us to be on set. Ryan Reynolds paid out of his own money, out of his own pocket."

You have to give credit to Reynolds for going the whole hog with Deadpool and, in this instance, forking out his own cash to get it right. As you watch Deadpool, you can see that everyone is trying their best and there's a real sense of ownership of it all. Here's hoping the sequel has the same charm and wit to it.