Robert Downey Jr. has never been a shy sort, and always seems game to open up in interviews - especially about films and franchises he's happy with. Now, he's been speaking to Hero Complex about Iron Man 3.

"Bringing in Shane Black to write and direct ‘Iron Man 3′ to me is basically the only transition from Jon Favreau to a ‘next thing’ that Favreau and the audience and Marvel and I could ever actually sign off on." He added about his Kiss Kiss Bang Bang writer/director Black, "He’s more than the sum of his parts and he’s also kind of been a sleeper for a long time," Downey said. "We’re not talking much about [the script] right now because Shane is off writing and we talked before that and when we are talking again the talking is going to be over pretty quick [because we're on the same page.]"

Black was the perfect choice for Iron Man 3, but I would like to see him tackle something more adult afterwards. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is an absolutely cracking film and Downey seems born to spew his dialogue. We will of course see Tony Stark in The Avengers next year before Iron Man 3 in 2013.