There was always bound to be some form of scandal surrounding the biographical film entitled Lovelace, chronicling the popular pornstar Linda Lovelace's (most known for her *ahem* work on Deep Throat) formative years and her turbulent marriage to Chuck Traynor.

Well the folk at Deep Throat (Arrow Productions Ltd) aren't too pleased with the distributors about to release Lovelace for their use of the original movie's footage. The forthcoming movie sees Amanda Seyfried star as the eponymous Lovelace and draws from more than 5 minutes of Deep Throat's footage without (allegedly) having been given permission.

Not wanting to go down without a fight, the production company have filed a copyright action for 10 million Dollars. Since Deep Throat's release, it's made an estimated 600 million dollars, having garnered the interest of a wider audience and helped build the adult movie industry into what it has become today. Oddly enough, before tragically passing away in a car crash at the age of 53, Linda Lovelace had changed her tune, becoming an anti-pornography campaigner.

The company "and its partners were surprised to hear about Lovelace because no one had approached Arrow for a license to use any of Arrow's intellectual property".

Will they triumph? We'll keep you posted. Either way, we're looking forward to watching Seyfried's performance; she's done nothing but impress us of late.