The producers of Saw VII 3D have done a pretty crappy thing - fitting of an inherently crappy franchise.

Saw VI helmer Kevin Greutert was due to take on Paramount's Paranormal Activity 2, which would have been released in direct competition with the new Saw sequel in October. But Lionsgate and Saw's producers have apparently exercised an option in Greutert's contract, forcing him to come back for a Saw sequel, leaving Paranormal Activity 2 without a director.

They both sound like terrible ideas, and the last Saw was as awful as the five sequels that preceded it. That said, it would've been a chance for Greutert to do something mildly different and branch out. The Saw producers could hire a porn director, replace the riding with killing and it'd be pretty much the same thing. They don't need Greutert which is why it seems like sour grapes.