The absolute ledgebag that is Gary Oldman (Commissioner Gordon in The Dark Knight series, Sirius Black in Harry Potter, to name but a few more familiar roles of his) has just confirmed that he may be in the running for a role in JJ Abrams' Star Wars Episode 7.

As what? Well, we don't know yet. Oldman dropped the news while in conversation with Sky Movies: "They've called. You know, I’m more cynical about it now. I’ll believe it when I’m on the plane home. The deal isn’t done, but yeah, they’ve inquired. I mean Planet of the Apes, Harry Potter, Batman, and Star Wars… bloody hell!"

The deal may not yet be done but this appears to be far closer to a reality than any rumours we've speculated over thus far. Should the deal go through, Oldman will join rank with Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, among others. So what type of role would you like to see him take? Jedi?

Sky Movies