Danny DeVito is one of those actors that really has had appeal to multiple generations of audiences.

In the '70s, he had 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest' opposite Jack Nicholson, then came the acclaimed TV series 'Taxi'. In the '80s, there was movies like 'Ruthless People', 'Throw Momma From The Train', and the '90s had stuff like 'Twins', 'Batman Returns', 'Matilda' and so on.

The '00s, even though he was entering his autumn years, was still going strong with phenomenons like 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia', not to mention all his production credits like 'Gattaca', 'Erin Brockovich' and, of course, 'Pulp Fiction'.

As ever, GQ's excellent series of interviews on actors' careers gives them the time and space to talk about their work in an engaging, interesting way and it's always a treat to watch.

Take half an hour out and enjoy this.