In more James Bond related news this morning, we've learned that Daniel Craig isn't as happy playing the role of 007 as we'd have thought. In fact, he never even wanted to make Skyfall in the first place. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he said "I've been trying to get out of this from the very moment I got into it... But they won't let me go, and I've agreed to do a couple more, but let's see how this one does, because business is business and if the s**t goes down, I've got a contract that somebody will happily wipe their ass with."

What's more, Javier Bardem who plays the villain opposite Craig in Skyfall says that he was once offered the role of Bond himself. He can't remember which Bond movie it was for, which makes us think there mightn't be as much truth to this as Bardem's letting on: "Years ago, I was [offered the role]," he recalled. "I don't remember what movie it was for. I didn't feel that it was the time for me to do something like that... And also, I was doing something else, so I passed. This time, when I read it, I felt that it was very powerful material, and I wanted to join." Hmm, we're not sure there's many a man who'd 'pass' on the opportunity to play one of the most iconic roles in cinema. Although suffice to say, he made the right choice. Better to go down in history as one of the best Bond villains than one of the worst Bonds.

Enough about my thoughts, do you think Javier Bardem would have been good as the first Spanish Bond? Could you possibly imagine a Bond world devoid of Mr Daniel Craig?