For some reason, only known to a handful of deranged folk working in Paris, Lindsay Lohan has been recruited as an "artistic advisor" to fashion house Ungaro. According to sources, the 23-year-old tabloid fodder will "oversee Spanish designer Estrella Archs." Man, I bet Estrella is overjoyed her design wizardry will be met with gurglings of "Um, I dunno, I'm not really feeling it. Hey, is there any Red Bull in this sh*tbox? I've got some water that needs jizzing up; you know what I'm sayin'!"

Talking to WWD of her perplexing new role, Lohan said: "When I'm involved in a project, I give my all to it. I feel like there's a correlation between everything I do, whether it's pop, music or film. I've always played a big part in what I wear, the costumes. Clothing is something that's so expressive in so many ways. It really interests me. To be in a position where I'm working with a fashion house in Paris sets it apart from every other celebrity brand."

When asked to describe her role in the creative process, Lohan said she "kind of oversees everything (Archs) does, while working with her. Different generations have different ideas." Apparently Lindsay wants to bring Ungaro to a "younger place."

Here is Lindsay's take on "a younger place." This is Lindsay shopping with her ma/nager, Dina in NYC two days ago. Now, try not to be blindsided by the amount of breastage on show, people (or how this dude is evidently checking out her crotch vicinity). What we need to focus on is the face. If that pout doesn't say - "NAARRGH, MOHOOOM?! GAWD, she makes me so MAD! She spends most part of our shopping trip smoking on the stoop with some old guy, and then when she finally makes it into the building she tells me to put on PANTS! GAWD, she's SO out of touch! How many times do I have to tell her, it's leggings, or NOTHING! Jeez, she'll be trying to get me into a training bra next. Like she CARES" *stomps off* - I don't know what does.

That is your future, Ungaro. Your future. Estrella. Tender your resignation as of immediately.