Well that's one way of making sure your documentary gets a load of free publicity. Just a theory.
Russell Brand has a new documentary out in which he chronicles his life's achievements to date, and how he's now on a quest "to save the world." It's the natural progression for someone who's sampled the extremities of women, drugs, naked police van straddling, and the world of Hollywood. He is the second coming, in case that wasn't already obvious - by the title, 'n stuff.
The snippet of the trailer that everyone seems most interested in, however, is the part where he says of life with ex-wife Katy Perry "Oh my f—king god. I’m living this life of the very thing I detest. Vapid, vacuous celebrity. Fame and power is bulls—t.” There's also the part where he mumbles expletives at a child who says "you married Katy Perry", before dancing around with quite the length of crackage on display.
Of splitting with her husband (after he dumped her by text), Perry told The Sunday Times: "I was in bed for about two weeks. I was pretty f--ked, yes. It hurt a lot—I got a good knock. What I wanted to call this record [Prism] at first was Adult Reality because Teenage Dream was so high on that cotton candy cloud, and then it's like I got punched in the face and kicked down the stairs a couple of times. So I had to face the reality that things are not always on cloud nine." At least she got that coveted "break up" album out of it. Every cloud.
According to Us Weekly: "Brand attempted to keep the film from showing at SWSX this past March and director Ondi Timoner revealed it was 'difficult' to work with the actor. 'There are a couple of things I took out for ethical reasons for Russell' Timoner explained of cuts. Brand later explained on his website that watching the documentary was 'very uncomfortable' for him."