That's the spirit, Jamie!

As you can imagine, Jamie is right in the eye of a promotion prelude for Fifty Shades of Grey and is therefore being interviewed in many magazines. He speaks of 'grape bagging' his manhood in the February edition of GQ, but saved his more morbid thoughts for a rather long interview with Details Magazine...

When asked what his biggest fear is regarding the film's reception: "'I almost don't want to put this out there into the ether, but I fear I'll get murdered, like John Lennon, by one of those mad fans at the premiere' he says. "Because a lot of people are very angry that I'm playing this character. And I'm a father now, and a husband. I don't want to die yet.' Dornan laughs. He can't quite believe he's giving this far-fetched notion the breath of life. But he also can't resist a final dramatic flourish. "And when I do get murdered," he says, "people will say, 'God, isn't it haunting how he did that interview in Details magazine and predicted his own death on the red carpet?'"

Eh, who is "very angry" that he's playing Christian Grey? Tell me, WHO? SHOW YOURSELVES! I'll fight you to the death - not that I've read the book, or remotely care about the characters involved, it's just a role that obviously requires a level of nudity and no better man than Jamie. Now, as for him playing a serial killer in The Fall, now THAT I have an issue with...