Netflix manages to squeeze another story out of the saga

What first starts off as a pointless follow-up documentary soon turns into an investigation into the whereabouts and last known location of Don Lewis, Carole Baskin's missing ex-husband.

The 'Tiger King 2' team sure knows how to hook us in. While the follow-up season stumbles out of the blocks with its first episode, it eventually unloads a mostly substantial addition to the colourful saga revolving around Joe Exotic.

While the first series introduced us to various names like Exotic, Carole Baskin, Don Lewis and Jeff Lowe, we're heading into season two already knowing each of these characters as household names - so, is there anything new to discover about them?

Surprisingly, yes. After episode one, which is really just a recap of what happened following the initial release of 'Tiger King' and its worldwide impact, we eventually get to the meatier subjects that follows - namely, what the hell happened to Don Lewis?

Carole Baskin and the subject of her missing ex-husband is covered in nearly two episodes, and what we get is a pretty succinct conclusion as to why Lewis was in Costa Rica so much. It also covers the four-day timeline of when Lewis mysteriously disappeared and the bizarre twists that occurred on one of the nights in question. We don't want to jump to conclusions, and again, nothing is given a definite ending, but those who believed Carole was innocent in all of this may begin to question their beliefs.

You really feel for Lewis' concerned daughters, who are fighting tooth and nail to get to the bottom of their father's whereabouts. They remain integral throughout this part of the documentary, as they begin to hire anyone and everyone who they believe can contribute to finding answers. However, any ounce of respect that you had for them goes up in flames when they reveal the final person they've hired to track down this missing man; it's the mother of eye-rolling moments.

Like any decent documentary, where 'Tiger King 2' is at its most captivating is when it sheds light on the unknowns. If you've been keeping an eye on all of the 'Tiger King' related happenings over the past two years or so, there might not be a lot of new ground for you to discover here. But when we dive into Joe Exotic's rocky upbringing, Don Lewis' murky dealings and Jeff Lowe's former colleagues all shedding light on their former colleague, these are fascinating stories that deliver brand new background information on our cast of characters.

Once the Carole Baskin aspect of the series is out of the way, our focus is shifted back once again to Exotic and Lowe and the reason why one of them is currently in jail. Lowe, who sits on his zebra chair while his wife Lauren lounges on a sofa behind him, looks like a typical James Bond villain. His dodgy dealings and a new collaboration with the abhorrent Tim Stark propels the final two episodes into a loud and dramatic conclusion. Along with Allen Glover, the "Hitman" for hire, all of the pieces eventually come together to form a nearly-complete picture of the real reason Joe Exotic is in jail - and how the rest got away scot-free.

With so many villains at play in 'Tiger King 2', it shows once again that too many innocent animals have been caught up in this mess. A series that is the epitome of a race for power, money and a quick moment in the spotlight, some humans really are just the worst.

All five episodes of 'Tiger King 2' are available on Netflix now.