It feels like an age since we last saw Breaking Bad's Saul on screen but Bob Odenkirk's crooked lawyer is still making headlines as speculation about his spinoff series goes into overdrive.

If there's one man who you'd expect to know what's happening with the show it's Odenkirk himself, but it seems his knowledge about the series is limited too. However, he did drop a few hints in a recent interview with IGN.

"Well, I've talked to Vince and Peter, who are writing and creating the series, about this and I've said that a lot of people do want to see what happens next to Saul," Odenkirk replied when asked about the possibility of the show being a sequel to the smash hit TV series. "So, I don't know what they're going to do. I know they've talked about prequel, but they've also talked to me about sequel, and they've also talked to me about a mix of prequel and sequel."

If there is one thing Bob's sure of tough, it's that the show will stand on its own two feet. "I told Peter and Vince, right away I said, 'Look man, let us make this fresh for everyone.' So that right away, in the first five minutes, every viewer goes, 'Oh, this isn't Breaking Bad, this is its own thing", he said.

"And I think they feel the same exact way. There might be a cameo here or there, but I don't know. We're going to do a new show." A new show with the odd Bryan Cranston or Aaron Paul cameo mind you...